Hall of archeology

Human beings appeared on this territory about 20 thousand years Before Christ (BC). The climate of that era was as our tundra. Here lived large animals: …, bisons, rhinoceros [rin`osэrэs]. Afterwards came a man. By that time he could sew [sou] clothes from the fur of animals, he could deal with stones. He also hunted big animals with special weapon made of stone. Centuries passed, and the climate became warmer, there appeared small animals which could not be hunted with large weapon. That is why in the beginning of new era – Mesolithic – that lasted 10 to 5 thousand years Before Christ were invented bow and arrows. First arrows, spears and knives appeared when man inserted small stones into the basis of wood or bones. In the era of neoliths (5 to 3 thousand years BC) man opened up new natural resource. It was clay. First bouls were made by hands and had round bottom. So came to life new way of preparing food – boiling. In the era of bronze our territory was invaded by the tribes from Eastern Europe. Here exposed things from sepulture: thin bowls, stone weapon, collars made of animal’s bones and teeth. In the first millennium BC our region is invaded by new tribes from north and northwest. With their appearance connected the beginning of iron era. They brought «noisy» suspension collars and earing to protect from evil powers. In the 11th century this region was occupied from the south by the Slavs. They brought new business for inhabitants-agriculture, and also new religion and culture – Christianity. They perfectly did glass blowing and used potter’s circle. The first settlement of this region was called Ust-Sheksna. It located on the opposite bank of the Volga-river. It mentioned in the chronicle of 11th century. At this spot archeologists made many discoveries, which are exposed in a separate hall.


Rybinsk State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum Preserve
Russia, Yaroslavl Region, Rybinsk, Volzhskaya Embankment, 2
Tel.: +7 (4855) 28-40-04

e-mail: rmz@rybmuseum.ru
